Sunday, March 14, 2010

So it was 75 degrees here the other day...?

and now were expecting 20 inches of snow??? Is this because I bought a lilac freshener for my car to think spring?

So it was 75 degrees here the other day...?
THAT WAS YOU ?!!!!! Thanks a lot! It just took me 3 hours to get home from work, driving in the snow, because you just HAD to have a lilac car freshener. HOW COULD YOU?!!

Maybe next year you won't be so selfish!

Reply:it's 70 here
Reply:It's 72 here just outside Seattle... and night before last it was 39. The weather is definitely getting weirder, boys and girls...

As to your air freshener - Murphy's Law applies. But it won't help to take it away; Murphy's law is recursive!!!
Reply:out there
Reply:I live in Phoenix.....Its high 90's today.
Reply:It was 81 here last it is in the 40's.....

I had cabin fever too and my husband and I put up our patio furniture..........we were thinking spring too , but nope! lol ♥
Reply:ya it was 83 on wednesday and now its sleeting and we're expecting anywhere from 2-6 in! i effin hate winter! i was soo ready for spring.
Reply:Yep, Its all your fault, you should be ashamed of yerself!!
Reply:i kno i kno!!! here too!! ♥ i think i gt soem wool pulled over my eyes :)
Reply:and its 100 here and summers not even here yet....
Reply:It's 85 degrees here and racing towards summer, very unusual weather. We're supposed to be having huge wind storms and chilly weather.
Reply:SAME THING HAPPNED TO ME! I walked outside in my flipflops only to realize there was snow on th ground...i hate having 4 seasons, they can't make up there mind
Reply:that is quite possible

Reply:silly michigan too
Reply:Yeah, and all the global warming theories.
Reply:Are you in PA too? lol This is ridiculous! I was wearing a tee shirt and flip flops the other day!
Reply:no, i think mother nature hates us
Reply:haha that sucks for u! its hot here
Reply:Same way I make it rain when I wash my car....
Reply:I know. I planted tomato plants and were not expecting that kind of cold but I am a bit concerned how far it will drop tonight. Your air freshener will have to do for now. Come to the south it is warmer.
Reply:Trish!! How could you? Not a Lilac car freshner!! lol
Reply:Winter is just reminding us that he is still in charge!
Reply:Nope it was because you started thinking about putting away the winter clothes before consulting with Mama Nature.....She doesn't like it when mere mortals think they know whats going on with the weather.
Reply:I know! I live in Jersey and we are having the biggest snow storm of the year even though on wednsday, it was 72 degrees here! Its nuts! We just took out he summer clothes and now we have to take back out the snow suits. Well, at least there is good sleigh riding snow for tommorrow

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