Friday, November 6, 2009

Advice on bringing up my new burmese?

hi ive just brought home a beautiful lilac boy and he is the most incredible animal to step foot in my house. i actually used to dislike cats quiet a bit but now im in love with this particular breed. any pointers from anyone who knows about burmese? likes dislikes growing up etc anything is appreciated

Advice on bringing up my new burmese?
I have just got my first Burmese a few months ago too. She is just great, She is so smart and very trainable. She learned to fetch in about 5 minutes with a paper ball. She is about 7 months old now and is really starting to learn words and commands. She rides to work with me everyday which if you can do at your job your will probably love it too. I only have one so I bring her everywhere I can, when we walk our dog to the park I put her on a harrness and put her in a purse like carrier with her head out. She loves it. Here is a few pictures of her.

I think Burmese cats are fantastic.

I used to breed them and always have them as pets.

They are very sociable and need company to be happy.

If you are out a lot and your burmese is allowed outside it will go and find company.

Make sure you give it enough time with you or get it a buddy.

2 Burmese cats are even better than one.And they get on with each other really well.

They are very playful and often like climbing.

You can teach train them fairly easily but they won't do tricks they don't want to.Some can be taught to retrieve.

Male burmese can be gluttons when it comes to food.So watch out for that.

They are affectionate,humourous, intelligent, and great company.They are often very active and extremely inquisitive.

They may climb up your body and sit on your shoulders-fun when they're kittens but claws can hurt when they get a bit older.

They often grow rather long claws which might need clipping if they get hooked in fabrics.

One of mine likes to knock small items off shelves and has been known to run away with pincushions and other small items that he fancies.

If they avoid kitten ailments they are usually very healthy cats.

Males are usually cuddly and love to sit on your lap.

Their short coats are easy care.

Burmese are GREAT!

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